
Lay Leadership Training

Is your leadership team out of step?

Are people on your leadership team not clear on their function (either overstepping or underperforming?)

After a consultation with the pastor, an interactive workshop is designed to review the roles and responsibilities of church officers and lay leaders to help align their work with the church’s mission and to identify some short term goals to help them function more cooperatively.

This includes a Strengths Assessment of participants and interactive play. 

60 to 90 days after the initial workshop, a follow-up session is scheduled to review concepts and discuss progress.

Revitalize Sessions

These sessions are designed to get your congregation to critically examine their past, rearticulate their reason for being, and discover what unrealized assets they hold in human potential. A sure way to get members energized about new possibilities for your congregation. 

Three (3) Two-hour sessions:

  • Congregational Historical Review

  • Discovering your WHY

  • Hidden Assets