Healing / Release Drum Circle

Researchers such as Dr. Barry Bittman a Psycho-neuro immunologist have studied how group drumming can have a biological effect on the body. In his article: Deep Within; Drumming as A Healing Strategy he writes;

Deep within the essence of who we are there's a sound, a vibration, an emanation that expresses life from every cell. It resonates in harmony with all living creatures-- an inner voice ready to emerge as a vital heartbeat that inscribes a personal signature.

The rhythm of life is a symphony-- the expression of our soul revealed by the conductor within. Our unique voice resounds through the way we choose to live. When we connect with each other and extend ourselves to one another, we share our gifts.

When our hands connect with a drum that vibrates with our energy, vitality, emotion, exhilaration, hope, sensitivity, giving, sharing, and unity, we become whole again.

Music gets through where words do not pass, when barriers separate us and when the odds are against us. It uplifts us when hopelessness darkens each day, when communications break down, when we yearn for common ground and when we need each other the most.”

We offer your team to experience the energizing healing of connecting through vibration.

Led by veteran percussionist “Sapphire”(Terry Morrow) and Rev. Hughes ( “Binta”),

This workshop will combine meditation techniques and the use of percussion instruments to facilitate a moment of interrelatedness and healing for participants.

No prior music experience is required. Each session will include a tutorial on various percussion instruments.

This activity is suited for all age groups and is a great intergenerational activity.