Pastoring is an isolating profession. 

Having a creative partner can help strategize your next steps and focus on moving your congregation forward.

Hughes Church Consulting offers workshops to help faith communities work more effectively together.

Rev. Michelle D. Hughes

“Vision without strategy is like faith without works.”

— Granberg-Michaelson


  • Service to Individuals

    Coaching rate $65/ per hour (2 sessions minimum)

    *2022 Introductory Rate

  • Service to Churches

    Lay Leadership Training Workshop $600 (5 hours)

    *Includes 1 ½ hour follow-up session (60 days after initial training)

    Private Sessions with Pastor $227 (3 ½ sessions)

    *Sessions can be in ½ hour increments)

    $827 Total

  • Service to Churches

    Workshops to explore obstacles and overlooked opportunities within your congregation $600 (3 hours)

  • Service to Churches

    Drum Healing /Release Workshop $450 (2 hours)

  • Service to Churches

    Honoraria rate $300

  • Service to Churches

    Overnight retreats created to provide change makers a time to reflect, process creatively, write, laugh, and be renewed.

    *Information available upon request